There is an opinion common, from which it can be concluded that sex is a source of pleasure and enjoyment. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. According to the statistics, about 50 percent say that after intercourse they feel an absence of pain and discomfort in the lower part of the abdomen. Why is this happening and is this normal? Explain.
Causes of lower abdominal pain after sex

Very often the women of the reception at the gynecologist complain that they have pain in the lower abdomen after intercourse. The most frequent cause include inflammatory diseases that develop in the organs pelvic.
In some cases, the decisive factor is a sexually transmitted disease. Often the flows are hidden, and rarely makes itself felt. To dangerous diseases include chlamydia and gonorrhea.
If you pull in the abdomen after sexual intercourse, reasons that may be hidden in the following:
- surgical procedure in the form of abortions and diagnostic vysalivanie;
- the use of iuds;
- the weakening of the immune function.
The appearance of sensations in the abdomen of the patient as soon as possible to see a doctor. If the weather does not pay attention to the symptoms, complications can arise that lead to infertility and difficulties carrying a child.
A disease that is characterized by pain after intercourse
When after intercourse, pain in the lower part of the abdomen, you should think about the health. Perhaps the reason lies in the presence of any disease.
Candidiasis or thrush
Lower abdominal pain after intercourse often occurs if the woman developed a disease fungus of the vaginal area. At first glance it seems harmless. But if you do not take appropriate measures, the pain syndrome will only increase.
The cause of the pathological state, there is a long reception of antibiotics or antimicrobials, frequent douching, the presence of Allergy to the napkins, condoms or substandard underwear.
The disease manifests itself with symptoms such as severe itching and burning, painful sensations in the abdomen, after sexual intercourse, frequent urination, appearance of white cheesy discharge.
Still one of the most popular of the causes of pain is an inflammatory process which occurs in the organs pelvic. It is characterized by the growth of a particular layer outside of the uterine cavity. The reasons for the development of the disease is still not fully known. But doctors warn their patients that the disease can occur in any woman of reproductive age.
The main symptoms of endometriosis is considered heavy bleeding during menstruation. Therefore, there is a sharp pain. At the time of distributing special lesions outside the uterine cavity develop some processes. That is why it is stomach pain after intercourse.
Low quality sex
Often the problem of pain is found in bad sex. The reasons of this phenomenon are the following:
The lack of excitation of women. During arousal the vagina increases in size. If the partner is excited enough, it has not been allocated the proper amount of lubricant, and the penis of men will be higher than the size of the vagina.
Sharp and intense movements during sex. Rough treatment of the membrane mucosa of the vagina and the uterine cavity is exposed to the lesion.
Venous stagnation of blood
When a woman is at the peak of excitement, the blood begins to actively come to the genitals. Cause the accumulation of blood is also sedentary and a sedentary lifestyle. If a woman is not happy in sex, it is not engaged in regular sexual life or for a long time, leaving sexual relations, the output is much worse. In this context, the girl feels a heaviness and uncomfortable feeling in the lower part of the abdomen.
Each time, the pain will only increase. Over time, even regular sex can't save you from pain. As a result, the sex will bring only suffering.
We must not forget that the venous stagnation of blood leads to the development of a series of serious illnesses in the form of endometriosis, fibroids, disorders of the ovaries, mastitis.
Anatomy incompatibility
Sick of the abdomen may, for the reason that the man's penis is too big. The vagina has the ability to lengthen 2-3 inches when stimulated sexually.
The Experts calculate that the average length of the male sexual organs should be 12 to 14 inches. If it exceeds this value, the probability of anatomical incompatibility increases significantly. Thus, women experience pain not only after sex, but during it.
If there is a problem, experts recommend the use of a special ring. They allow you to control the depth of entry and to limit the degree of penetration to prevent the development of sensations.
The lack of orgasm
To hurt and pull the lower part of the abdomen, perhaps for the reason that the woman does not feel complete satisfaction during sexual intercourse. In the privacy during arousal blood rushes to the pelvic organs. If the girl is not happy, the exit of the blood is broken.
In this context, appear not only pulling, but also cutting pain. If this happens often, which will lead to the violation of the ovaries. To solve the problem, it is better if you change of job. If this does not help, you should ask for help to the sexologist.
Pain after intercourse during pregnancy

Special attention should be paid to have sex on the stage of gestation. Opinions on the sexual relations between a couple are different. Some doctors flatly against pregnant had sex. Others put some restrictions, if there is a threat of miscarriage and problems with pregnancy. In other cases, sex is possible, but adhering to a few recommendations.
If a pregnant woman experiences discomfort or pain, then it could be:
- a reduction of the uterine cavity. During intercourse, the uterus begins to contract even harder. This process leads to pain;
- fear. Every expectant mother worries about her pregnancy. In this context, during sex, a woman can not fully relax. Therefore, the muscles at the vaginal are very tense, and the result is a nagging pain in the lower part of the abdomen;
- tiredness and weakness of the body. This phenomenon is usually observed in the morning illness, frequent insomnia, chronic fatigue and sex in the unexcited state.
If the pain only intensified, it is necessary to consult with a doctor. It is possible that the expectant mother observed tone. The most dangerous period to have sex is the first trimester up to 12 weeks and the third quarter, after 32-35 weeks. This can lead to miscarriage or premature labour.
Preventive and therapeutic measures
If a woman experiences discomfort during sex, it is best to visit the doctor. He examine and prescribe the ultrasonic diagnosis. In the absence of pathology doctors suggest with fixtures special.
If the cause is not a disease assigned to medical therapy. Thrush prescribe agents antifungals. And good efficiency of irrigation shows a weak soda solution.
In venous diseases of the blood are assigned to specific drugs that enhance the output. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.
If the cause of pain was a sexual infection, then the treatment is carried out from both partners. In this case, make sure to drink more antibiotics. For women prescribed vaginal suppositories and gels. The men is recommended to use special ointments. The sex is totally avoided for two weeks.
In some cases, may require surgical intervention. These include the presence of benign tumors, inflammation of the Appendix. In each situation, the solution to the problem is chosen individually on the basis of reasons.